Thursday, March 11, 2010

EPA finally doing something about pet spot-on products?

Update: They finally put this information on their website... a whole 2 days before the event:

It's been almost a year since EPA's initial press release and they're finally giving some hints that they might be ready for some action. They're holding a webinar next week that's open for the public. I'll be watching it and I'll post an update here if anything interesting happens. This might be worthwhile to attend for anyone who uses or wants to use a spot-on product. Or it might be a boring waste of time. That's the fun part about dealing with the government, you never know!

(Note that EPA only regulates some-spot ons, like Frontline and Advantage the type that essentially stay on the surface of the skin. Any products like Advantage Multi, or Capstar, that are either given orally or that absorb through the skin into the blood stream, are considered drugs and are regulated by FDA).

I don't think EPA has posted this information anywhere online (I got the announcement from an email listserv). Below is the complete text in case anyone is interested:

"On Wednesday, March 17, 2010, from 4:00 pm - 6:00 p.m., ET, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will hold a public meeting via Webinar, entitled EPA's Evaluation of Pet Spot-On Products: Analysis and Mitigation Plan. Last spring, following a significant increase in incident reports associated with pet spot-on products in 2008, EPA requested additional information from the pet spot-on pesticide registrants and conducted an intensive evaluation of those incidents and products. During the Webinar, the public will have an opportunity to ask questions about EPA's findings and plans to protect pets. The Webinar is free and no preregistration is necessary to join the conference.

If this is your first time participating in an EPA Webinar through the EPA Portal, we recommend that you download the software prior to March 17. Go to and click on the icon under "Run"(on the right-hand side of the Web page). If you see a run or installation pop-up, please click Yes, Run, or Allow. This is a one-time add-on that is needed to run the Web conference software. If your screen flickers or goes black during this step, it is normal.

On March 17, participants can log in to the Webinar and conference call beginning at 3:50 pm.

1. Using Internet Explorer, go to In the JOIN CONFERENCE box on the right-hand side of the Web page, enter the Conference ID 56381.

2. Leave the Conference Key blank, and enter your full name and e-mail address where requested. Press JOIN CONFERENCE. You will be able to view the presentation once the meeting begins.

3. Dial toll free into the conference on your telephone in order to hear the EPA speakers. Call the Conference number: 1-866-229-3188, then enter conference code 703 308 8059 and press the # sign.

All telephone lines will be muted during the Webinar. If you wish to ask questions, please e-mail them to during the meeting and they will be forwarded to the presenters. We will answer as many questions as possible during the allotted time.

Please note that the Web conference tool will only work on a PC computer. Please use Internet Explorer as your browser. It is recommended that you change your screen resolution before joining the Webinar. To adjust the resolution:

1. Right-click on your Desktop

2. Go to "Properties"

3. Go to the "Settings" tab

4. Go to the highest screen resolution by pulling the tab in the lower-left corner toward "More." Click OK. 1024 x 768 is the best

EPA distributes its Pesticide Program Updates to external stakeholders and citizens who have expressed an interest in pesticide activities and decisions. This update service is part of EPA's continuing effort to improve public access to Federal pesticide information."

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