Sunday, June 28, 2020

Thing's I've learned on the job

Things I've learned from working at a vet clinic and animal shelters:

-You can't fix everything all at once

-There is no such thing as a "perfect" pet home

-You never know the whole story

-A person's bank account is not an indicator of how good of a pet owner they will be

-There is no such thing as a completely healthy bulldog

-People will lie to you. (It doesn't automatically make them bad people)

-People will make mistakes. (It doesn't automatically mean they shouldn't own pets)

-People really can learn from their mistakes if given the opportunity

-Many more people than you would think are able to successfully keep multiple, large dogs without a fenced yard

-People get way more defensive about their dog having fleas than almost any other aliment

-DVM's can succumb to observational bias just like anyone

-Landlords will always complain about their tenants no matter what

-I really need to take a refresher course in conversational Spanish

-You may not understand why someone feels the need to spend a couple thousand bucks to import a rare breed of dog from Eastern Europe just because they read online that the breed would "make a good jogging partner", but it really doesn't matter what you think. Not everyone needs a lecture on their decisions

-"Pit bulls" really, truly, are a popular type of pet

-There is a definite correlation between a dog's status as "outdoor only" and how likely they are to be leash trained

-There are a lot more people than you'd guess that have "outdoor only" dogs that are loved and receive regular vet care

-People in the thick of animal rescue do not give enough credit to members of the community who help animals in small ways

1 comment:

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