Went with my agility group to the Paws in the Park fundraiser for SafeHaven Humane Society. We did a few demos, and the instructor and more advanced students (ie, not me) guided people through the obstacles with their dogs.

I was so proud of Zelda. She's fine in crowds and around other dogs, but we haven't done much work on being left alone or sitting still. I brought her crate and set it where she could see other dogs playing on the equipment (something that drives her NUTS - I think she just can't stand the idea that OTHER dogs get to play when she can't) and we worked on lying there quietly. She did great, but her attention span is still pretty short, and after about 15-20 minutes she gets restless. So we made the times in the crate short. There was a lot of walking around looking at the activities, booths and vendors, anyway.

She also did really well when it was our turn to do a demo. The wind was blowing, there was a crowd, there was no fence around the equipment, and this is only our third time doing things outside of class.
Now. Can anyone tell me what genes mixed together to produce this:

The owner's guess is Jack Russel and lab!? I think there must be a significant amount of either dachshund or basset hound in there. Interesting.
That dog is a mixture of basset hound and a brown distressed leather Lazy-Boy recliner (Basset-Lounger). The breed is excellent if you want something that lays around doing nothing and bays when the doorbell rings.
Aha! Then it's pretty much the same as a regular Basset.
Plott hound and basset is my guess.
Plotts are bear hounds, although they are used on raccoons as well. If you say "bear dog" in my part of the world, people think of a svelte brindle dog that looks something like a Weimaraner.
Wow, thanks for the link, that dog is striking. Looks much better with proportional legs. :P (I think I'm biased against basset hounds).
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